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The UK government proposes to include crypto-assets in the exception for investment managers

HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) is consulting on a proposal to expand the existing Investment Manager Exception (IME Exception) to include crypto assets. The IME exemption defines the types of investment transactions that UK collective investment agreement managers may undertake on behalf of non-UK resident investors.

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The European Commission intends to introduce unexplained wealth order

The European Commission has published proposals to tighten its rules on emergency freezing, return and confiscation of assets, including confiscating the wealth of unknown origin without a conviction.

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Singapore: Key Changes to the Intellectual Property Law 2022

Amendments to the Intellectual Property Bill, which came into force in May 2022, were passed in Parliament. The bill amends the existing Patent Law, Trademark Law, Registered Designs Law, Geographical Indications Law of 2014, and Plant Variety Protection Law to improve business friendliness, operational efficiency, and clarity of law and procedure.

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Singapore: Recent property tax targets the super-wealthy

The authorities are imposing an additional 35 per cent buyer's stamp duty on houses settled into trust with no identifiable beneficial owner. The recently enacted tax is intended to close a loophole used by individuals who purchase multiple properties under a trust where it is not clear who the beneficial owner is and therefore avoid additional taxes.

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Ship finance in Cyprus in 2022: Opportunities and challenges

The transformation of the sector inevitably requires appropriate funding, and ship financing has become critical for the shipbuilding sector and shipping companies worldwide. The financing aspect of shipping includes the corporate financial management of shipping companies to refinance existing debts and the financing of new shipbuilding.

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Cyprus: Favorable conditions for the development of a startup

Cyprus has seen rapid growth in the number of startups. This increase is due to tax incentives and favourable conditions for intellectual property and innovative companies offered by Cyprus, making it a pleasant country for the development of startups.

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How to move to Cyprus in 2022: New opportunities

In a new action plan adopted in October 2021, the Cypriot government announced a course to attract foreign investment, businesses and expats. In addition, the authorities' representatives announced several innovations, which concerned mainly immigration law.

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Cyprus: Important information regarding corporate income tax

The Cyprus Assessment and Collection Law, as amended in 2002, introduced a regime with a provisional income tax system. Corporate tax in Cyprus is levied at a rate of 12.5% and can be paid through the JCC Smart platform. Based on the current period's results, companies that do not expect taxable profits do not submit a tax calculation.

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Obtaining an EMI license in Cyprus: pros & cons

The provision of Payment Services in Cyprus is regulated by The Payment Services and Access to Payment Systems Laws of 2018 and 2019, which transposed into national law regarding the provisions of the Payment Services Directive in the Cyprus market. With the license, an EMI in Cyprus may offer its services freely within the entire EU market.

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How family offices benefit high net worth individuals

Family offices are essentially private wealth management advisory firms that serve high-net-worth (HNW) investors. They are different from traditional wealth management advisories in that they offer a total outsourced solution to managing the financial and investment side of affluent individuals or families.

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UK penalties for late filing, incorrect corporate tax returns & potential appeals

By failing to report any incorrectly filed records, is breaking the law, with the service provider or intermediary also potentially becoming liable for the assistance and enabling of tax evasion accordingly.

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Obtaining an EMI license in Singapore: pros & cons

Technology is transforming Singapore’s payments landscape and has reduced the obstacles to entry to running a payments business. This, as well as the prolific adoption of the use of smartphones and tablets, has made it easier than ever for companies to obtain clients digitally.

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Which type of legal entity is right for my business?

In the following article, we will summarise and weigh up the differences between a limited company and a limited liability partnership to provide increased clarity between the two structures.

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Applying for a working visa as a third country national in Сyprus

In order to apply for a work permit (also referred to as a working visa), the company must be eligible to apply for employing third country nationals. Eligible companies are considered where the majority of Shareholders are non-EU nationals; including Shareholders whose ultimate owners are foreign companies.

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Incorporating a Company in Cyprus & the Required Documentation

Cyprus has quickly gained a reputation as a reliable, legitimate offshore jurisdiction, and is universally accepted as the most beneficial tax system in the EU; making it the perfect location for incorporating a company of any type.

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Why is a shareholders agreement so important for your company?

Establishing a Shareholder Agreement will effectively set out the organisations fundamental running’s, some examples include how decisions are agreed upon and implemented; how shares can be sold or transferred. It guarantees that founding member roles are clear on the company’s main principles, and in agreement that all obligations are assigned fairly.

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Daily expense price disclosure in Cyprus: 2020 update

The tables detailing general expenses in Cyprus can help give you an idea as to how much it will cost you to live there. All figures have been converted into Euros and have been taken using the median from a set of data from 2019-2020 figures ranging from the most expensive to the least.

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Obtaining an EMI license in UK: pros & cons

The Electronic Money Directive is the UKs answer to controlling and standardising Electronic Money Regulations and electronic money institutions. The regulations have now created a separate authorisation for issuers of electronic money in the UK that are not full credit institutions, unions, or publicly funded banks.

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Obtaining an EMI license in Hong Kong: pros & cons

An Electronic Money Institution (popularly known as an EMI for short) is a fully licensed financial institution which engages in electronic payment services. The full license for a Hong Kong electronic money institution currently has no restrictions to either trading period or sector of activities.

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How to Get Your Yellow Slip in Cyprus

Applying for a residence permit (also known as the yellow slip) is a process which is to be completed by every EU citizen living and working in Cyprus. And once you have managed to obtain it, the permit does not expire and is valid indefinitely.

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Cyprus ASPS: how we can help

Each licensed Administrative Service Provider (ASP) in Cyprus is registered under CySEC, and must comply with the preparation and submission of the required reports in order to be eligible for maintaining a valid license in Cyprus.

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Cyprus: holding companies & their respective tax treatment

Cyprus is an ideal place for holding company location. The following factors described in the article are important when deciding the location of a holding company.

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Q&A: Does My Cayman Company Have to Register for FATCA? 2020 Update

This article contains updated answers to the most frequently asked questions regarding the requirements for Cayman companies to be registered for FATCA.

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Reporting Requirements for Scottish Limited Partnerships

The financial and reporting requirements for Scottish Limited Partnerships (SLPs) vary depending on whether the company is a micro-entity, or a small, medium or large entity. Micro-entities and small companies benefit from less burdensome requirements.

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Cyprus' AML Evaluation: Key Points From the Us State Department Report

According to a recent report published by the US State Department’s Anti-Money Laundering (AML) unit, Cyprus continues to upgrade its established AML legal framework, while authorities successfully 26 individuals and entities for money laundering related offences in 2018.

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EU Tax List: the Consolidated List of High-risk Countries

The list is an EU-provided of high-risk third countries; including the non-cooperative and other monitored jurisdictions that have been officially identified by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF).

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Fiduciary duties owed by senior employees, managers & directors to a company

The following article will examine various duties of loyalty to a business that are owed by Senior Employees, partners, Company Directors, and mere employees using supporting legislation from the Companies Act 2006 and principles established from UK common law cases.

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How Cyprus has been changing the gloomy economic forecast in 2019

Recently, the Cyprus economy has seen relatively steady growth rates and booming tourism levels over the last few years. The relatively high increase of GDP can be attributed to a number of factors: declining official unemployment rates; surplus government funds and the raising of large financial deals in international markets.

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The Contemporary New Business Model: Outsourcing of Accounting Services

The recent shift to software-driven accounting allows businesses from the UK and mainland Europe to shift their processes to Russia & Ukraine; taking advantage of cheaper office upkeep and facilitating the cloud to share data across offices on an international level.

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Cyprus & Bvi: the Countries That Are Revolutionising Global Tax Planning

Financial analysts and organisations are beginning to welcome the idea that in specific cases, tax efficiency isn’t enough when structuring a business vehicle that will be automatically placed under investigation by certain countries that are becoming increasingly wary of any tax avoidance patterns or practices.

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Cyprus VS BVI: a company comparison quick guide

An analysis of the implications regarding some of the corporate structure elements in the British Virgin Islands (BVI) business companies and Cyprus companies, by explaining their key characteristics and evaluating how each jurisdiction is adhering to the increasingly strict compliance standards.

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How to set-up an ICO in Singapore

Singapore provides a well-regulated legal framework as well as all the benefits of a stable financial centre with a reliable reputation, excellent banking system and low tax rate. Due to these factors, Singapore is one of the most optimal jurisdictions for Initial Coin Offerings (ICO) fundraising.

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Cryptocurrency & ICOs As Securities & Virtual Commodities as Per Hong Kong Law

The Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission has remarked upon the growth and popularity of ICOs for raising money not only in Hong Kong but other Asian countries. This article confirms and explains how digital tokens that are offered or sold may be defined as “securities” and as such are therefore governed by the relevant securities legislation of Hong Kong.

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Are Singapore virtual currency exchanges regulated by the Futures & Securities Act?

The MAS issued a statement clarifying that the offer or issue of digital tokens in Singapore will be regulated by the MAS, if the digital tokens fall within the definition of “securities” regulated under the security laws. MAS has observed that the function of digital tokens has evolved beyond just being a virtual currency.

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UAE Companies Establishing Substance in 2019

The UAE recently released their own version of CFC legislation: The Cabinet of Ministers Resolution n.31/2019 which came into effect in April earlier this year, in order to better regulate Economic Substance (ES) in the United Arab Emirates.

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How UAE companies can establish substance: the CIGA (core income generating activity) test

The UAE recently released their own version of CFC legislation: The Cabinet of Ministers Resolution n.31/2019 which came into effect in April earlier this year, in order to better regulate Economic Substance (ES) in the United Arab Emirates.

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FATF Releases Guidance for Virtual-asset Service Providers Dealing With Crypto-currency

The June 2019 plenary session of the global Financial Action Task Force (FATF) ended with the issuance of a binding interpretive note for international regulation of virtual assets and virtual-asset service providers.

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Have High Recent GDP Rates Lulled Cyprus Into a False Sense of Security?

The Cyprus government, for the last few years have been harping tales of steady growth and booming tourism levels; referring to the relatively high rate of growth of real GDP can be attributed to a number of factors.

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The Cyprus Co-op Enquiry Public Report: Who Was Really to Blame?

Since the report on the collapse of the Cooperative Credit System was released recently, everyone seemed to have an opinion on the matter about who was to blame for the whole debacle. The report was fairly conclusive, giving a general overview of what the public enquiry discovered.

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Singapore Keeping Up With the Changing Technological Global Climate

While the crypto-frenzy has significantly cooled down so far in 2019, with values in currencies like Bitcoin falling; meanwhile Fin-tech has continued to snowball, pioneering the likes of blockchain technologies, digital wallets and mobile applications.

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CJEU: Defines Key Definitions for Tax & Beneficial Ownership Purposes

Last month, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) issued a series of important judgments dealing with tax avoidance and beneficial ownership in the context of the EU Parent-Subsidiary Directive (PSD) and the Interest and Royalties Directive (IRD).

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Has the Legal Sector Tech Revolution in Singapore Come at a Price?

Rapid advances in technology and the higher demands and increasingly complex international clients are forcing Singapore-based Lawyers to transform the way they work. An example of this is the huge of growth of Wi-Fi on airplanes, with many cities now providing coverage free of charge including on metros and trains.

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What Can We Learn From the Sharing Economy & the Global Bike-share Boom?

The sharing economy has become an important aspect of our daily lives, from Air BnB to Uber, some of the companies with the highest growth all involve an element of sharing resources; with many other products and amenities being shared and leased.

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ACRA Update: RFAS Compliance With Singapore Companies Act

All Singapore Registered Filing Agents (RFAs) were sent a friendly reminder from ACRA regarding ensuring all entities are acting in compliance with Singapore legislation.

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How to Set-up a Beneficial ICO in Singapore

Singapore provides a well-regulated legal framework as well as all the benefits of a stable financial centre with a reliable reputation, excellent banking system and low tax rate. Due to these factors, Singapore is one of the most optimal jurisdictions for Initial Coin Offerings (ICO) fundraising.

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How to Successfully Fundraise Using Initial Coin Offerings

Cryptocurrency is a form of electronic cash; it’s virtual and not controlled by any government or business. Although Bitcoin was critised many times for its price volatility, legitimacy and high electricity consumption, it is still being used by millions of people for investment and entrepreneurial purposes.

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The Classification of Digital Tokens as Per Singapore Regulations

According to the Singapore regulations the digital tokens can be classified as “securities” or as “utilities”. The real nature of the digital token identifies the rights attached to it and the terms of its regulation.

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Cyprus Updates Its Crypto-asset Legislation to Meet EU Standards

The Cyprus Securities & Exchange Commission (CySEC) has revealed new details about its efforts to increase oversight of cryptocurrencies and related assets by integrating EU anti-money-laundering rules into Cyprus legislation.

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Why Are the Baltic States So Involved in Global Money Laundering Schemes?

A successive round of new allegations about some of the largest Nordic banks being involved behind the scenes in indirectly channeling dirty money through their Baltic locales.

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How to Write a Legally Binding Will According to Singapore Legislation

Technically speaking, anyone can write a will for themselves or on behalf of others. However, just because you’ve written your own will doesn’t mean it’s necessarily valid.

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UK: The Current Problems With Money Laundering & the Violation of Anti-money Laundering Regimes

The fact that money can be transferred from one jurisdiction to another means, that money laundering as a concept involves the entire modern world. In the United Kingdom, banks are always under the supervision of strict regulatory bodies.

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An Overview of Offshore Banking & Its Benefits

Generally speaking, overseas or offshore banking has garnered a bad reputation in the financial world. Usually the term is synonymously used with embezzlement, money laundering and tax evasion. This article will discuss the benefits, associated with offshore banking as well as dispelling any myths.

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Have the Many Benefits of Offshore Banking Left the Industry Open to Abuse?

This article looks at the many benefits associated with overseas banking; and how this has left the industry open to abuse.

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EU: Cyprus Competitive Advantage at Risk With Tax Consolidation Reforms

Cyprus is likely to have repercussions as a result of Jean-Claude Juncker ’s favouring of a relaxation in EU regulation formation and monitoring schemes, reinforced by qualified majorities on matters including the additional synchronisation of blanket taxation rates across Europe.

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Crypto-currency Start-ups Buying False Reviews Is Destablising Reputable Investment Sources

When cryptocurrency issuers want reviews for their coins, reports have surfaced that several prominent companies have been found offering money to advertisers in exchange for positive appraisals.

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Is the Era of Shell Companies Coming to an End?

The Honourable Dr. Orlando Smith, Premier and Minister of Finance has announced that the BVI Government will take all reasonable steps to address European Union concerns about economic substance and a new Legislation is intended to be in force by the end of December 2018 in order to avoid the European Union Black List of Tax Heaven Jurisdictions.

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Regulatory Update: BVI Economic Substance Act 2018

The EU Economic & Financial Affairs Council placed BVI in a list of countries with concerns however were actively working to resolve them. Appropriately, the BVI Government made a commitment to implement reforms by the end of 2018 to ensure that BVI businesses have adequate economic substance.

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Information on the Payment of Cyprus Taxes for Pensions & Rental Income

Cyprus employees who are considered to have tax resident status, pay tax on their global income. Employees not considered to be tax resident are only charged for specific types of income that are originating from Cyprus-based sources.

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Cyprus Regulatory Update: Shell Company Definition & Exceptions

The Central Bank of Cyprus has released new guidance for all credit institutions on the island, refining the definition for shell companies and subsidiary entities; coming into effect from November 2018.

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Singapore Variable Capital Company VCC: New Features & Benefits

The introduction of the VCC is a significant positive for the Singapore funds industry. Its aim is to retain Singapore as an attractive business destination and to keep investors wishing to domicile locally.

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Consolidated Accounts for Hong Kong Companies: Subsidiary Requirements

As per Hong Kong company’s ordinance subdivision 3 section 379 subsection 1, a Company Director will have to prepare year-end financial accounts that comply with sections 380 and 383.

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The Tax System in Poland: Benefits & Overview

Poland is one of the European countries with a stable economic position, whose attractive system attracts citizens from neighbouring countries to conduct business within the country. It is the Polish taxation system that is advantageous for businessmen willing to enter the international market.

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Challenges of Our Time: Cryptocurrencies & Their Regulation

Many people are convinced that the cryptocurrency is likely to become an alternative to the established global financial system and open new opportunities to those segments of the population and citizens of those countries that are deprived of the opportunity to work with the banking financial system.

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The Reasons of Abolition of the Company Secretary in UK Private Companies

Company Secretary is typically named a Corporate Secretary or just a Secretary. The Company Secretary is responsible for the efficient administration of a company, particularly with regards to ensuring compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements and also for ensuring that decisions of the board of directors are implemented.

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Doing business in Hong Kong

AGENDA: Introduction to Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HK SAR), Company incorporation in Hong Kong, Company maintenance, Tax treatment, Key benefits

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Cyprus Permanent Residence scheme

AGENDA: Scheme, Benefits & Criteria, The Process, Next Steps

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The Dematerialisation of Shares in the UK: Current Update & Assessment

Dematerialisation of shares is not compulsory and an investor can still keep shares in the paper form. Shares are part of the ‘life’ of the company, so dematerialisation has both positive and negative aspects that affect corporate governance.

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Contrary to the Bearish Trend: How Tether Gained a Place in the Сoinmarketcap Top 10

Tether Ltd, the issuer of Stablecoin, a type of cryptocurrency under the ticker USDT, has been hotly debated for the past year. Many representatives within the crypto-community suspect the issuer of the “tokenised dollar” regarding the insufficient supply of the currency, as well as the regular “quantitative easing” of the market during periods of recession.

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Employer branding – Why do companies need it?

AGENDA: Definition of the term brand and HR brand, The purpose of HR Branding for various organizations, Components of the HR Brand, Work Environment, Compensation and benefits, Achieving appropriate work – life balance, Company culture and environment.

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Competency based interview

AGENDA: Different types of interviews & situations for different jobs, What does a competency based interview usually involve, The pros & cons of a competency based interview, How to use this method in practice & preparation tips, How to stand out from other candidates.

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Increasing your business efficiency: the secrets behind KPIs life cycle

AGENDA: The Role of KPIs, KPI definititon, Short & Long Term Goals

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Current information on the payment of Cyprus income tax

An individual is considered to be tax resident in Cyprus by spending a total (consecutive or otherwise) of 183 days or more in any one calendar year in Cyprus. Anyone earning an income in Cyprus falls into two categories.

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Strike-Off and Liquidation Procedure: Description and Special Aspects

AGENDA:- Two options to close a company- Strike- Off Procedure- Strike- Off Procedure in Tax Heaven Jurisdictions - Liquidation Procedure- Voluntary Winding Up- Risks for Directors in Abandoned Cyprus Companies

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UK Company Law: the Doctrine of Lifting the Corporate Veil

The doctrine of the corporate veil was developed in the UK, where it finds its most frequent usage in case law. In practice, there are three occasions when the court has lifted the veil: application of the terms of a contract or statute, or as a matter of common law.

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Suspicions Activity report (SAR)

AGENDA: What is SAR, Importance of SAR reports, When do I need to send a SAR?, Sending SAR in non-regulated sectors, Reliability of information specified in the SAR, The concept of Tipping off, SAR Online

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How to Spot Professional Money Laundering Activities: a Guide for Companies

This article is intended to help corporate service providers understand and identity how money launderers typically operate in order to successfully target and stop those who are facilitating crimes being turned into profit.

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Compliance Definition and Main Objectives

AGENDA: What is compliance and what is it for?, Relevant legislation, Principles of implementing of the compliance function, How to organise compliance control in the company, The basic skills that an expert in the sphere of compliance should have, Example of good implementation of compliance function

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Anti-Bribery Compliance

AGENDA: What is the purpose of compliance?, The different types & reasons behind briberies, International legislation on anti-bribery compliance, The impact of UKBA & the FCPA, ISO 37001 and its main objectives, How to build anti-bribery compliance, Governing body’s duties in anti-bribery compliance, Top management’s duties in anti-bribery compliance, Anti-bribery compliance functions, Suspicious reporting, who & in what circumstances, Tipping off procedure.

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Double Taxation Conventions: Content, Recent Amendments & Application. Part I

AGENDA: Purpose and definition of a Double Tax Treaty ('DTT'), Types of DTTs dealing with tax matters, History of DTTs, DTTs and domestic law, Format and structure of a DTTs, Tax covered and not covered by DTTs, Interpretation of DTTs.

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Creating Physical Presence & Capital Requirements for Cyprus Shell Company Crackdown

Recently, the Cyprus Central Bank issued guidance to banks & credit institutions, advising them of the new mandatory refusal to take on new clients or to continue servicing existing accounts with so-called shell or letter-box companies.

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Corporate Internal Investigation: What You Need To Know

AGENDA: Reasons for conducting an internal investigation, Key success factors of an effective internal investigation, Productive cooperation with top-level managers- Penalties under the FCPA and UK Bribery Act, Basic skills an expert in the sphere of corporate investigation should hold

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Laura Deane

Corporate residence in the UK

AGENDA: Definition of corporate tax residence, Circumstances under which a company can be considered as a UK resident, Tests to examine the residence of a company, Guidelines

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How the UK Is Combating Offshore Culture & How It Could Be Doing More

In May, when the UK government voted to force transparency on its colonies and former colonies, it was just the latest blow to the offshore havens. This concerted campaign has threatened the stereotypical tax haven business model.

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Nevis: The offshore tax haven nation of the world

In the world of offshore, Nevis specialises in letting its clients create corporations with greater anonymity than almost anywhere else on earth. Since 2012, the island’s financial services sector has grown exponentially, as those wishing to retain anonymity relocated to a place that promises just that.

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Know Your Client (KYC) of Politically Exposed Person (PEP) and Linked Persons (LIP)

AGENDA: What is Know Your Client and the KYC Procedure, Relevant legislation requirements, Who is Politically Exposed Person (PEP),mTypes of PEPs, Who is Linked Person (LIP), Types of LIPs, Reliable PEP/LIP Data

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Expert Opinion on Cyprus’ New Borrower Incentives to Reduce the Islands NPLS

The Cyprus Ministry of Finance has released a statement regarding the IMF (the International Monetary Fund) & the European Commission is recommending Bills regarding the islands longstanding issue with Non-Performing Loans.

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Directors’ Duties and Liability Insurance

AGENDA: Definition of Company Director, Duties of Company Director, Extent of such liability, D&O Insurance Liability, Conclusion

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Double Taxation Conventions: Content, Recent Amendments & Application. Part II

AGENDA: The most common methods of Double Tax Treaty (‘DTT’) abuse, The current practical problems associated with the application of DTTs, The OECD’s Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) Project: proposed amendments to DTTs, The OECD’s 01/07/18 Multilateral BEPS Convention: global changes to be made to DTTs, Potential Implications of the latest amendments to DTTs.

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Classification of foreign companies. Onshore and offshore activities. The taxation and liquidation

AGENDA: Classification of foreign companies, Company documents, Authorised capital, Offshores and offshore jurisdictions, Onshore companies, “Grey” and “Black” lists of countries, Nominee service, Beneficial Owner, Due Diligence & KYC, Company Tax Residency, Company liquidation

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Keeping Europe Up-to-date With the Latest Legal & Financial Technology

The financial world is undergoing a technological revolution, with approximately 3 trillion financial deals entered into using digital ledger technology (DLT) and smart contracts within the next five years.

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Applying for Visas and Work Permits in Cyprus and Singapore & Cyprus EU Passports by Investments

AGENDA: Cyprus Work Permit, Singapore Employment Pass, Cyprus Citizenship; scheme for naturalisation by exception of investors.

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Automatic Exchange of Information: Theory and Practice

AGENDA: What is the Automatic Exchange of Information?, The purpose for using the Automatic exchange of information, The Automatic Exchange of information: Theory and Practice, Current procedures related to the Automatic Exchange of Information, Implications of the Automatic Exchange of Information

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FATCA: Foreign Financial Institutions & NFFE’s

FATCA aims to facilitate the reporting of foreign financial assets, to find US accounts in foreign financial institutions’ and find those using different vehicles to reduce the tax burden located outside of the US.

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The Protection of Company Directors’ Rights

AGENDA: Definition of Company Director, Laws imposed a liability on Company Directors, Extent of such liability, Consequences, Conclusion

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ICOs: A Smart Business Decision or Just a Risky Investment?

There are many financial experts voicing their concerns over ICOs being too much of a risky investment, however should we be so quick to dismiss ICOs as a legitimate vehicle? ICOs can be used as a substitute for Venture Capital funding due to parallels in the phase of company’s lifespan and risk profiles, which give potential opportunities for future start-ups and companies.

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Initial Coin Offering

AGENDA: Definition of ICOs, Users - Investors, Cryptocurrencies vs Tokens, ICOs vs IPOs, Legal approach (U.S. – Singapore), Examples of regulation in Singapore

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How Initial Coin Offerings Differ From Initial Public Offerings

To the inexperienced trader, ICOs might sound similar to Initial Public Offerings however there are resounding differences between the two. Even with the vast amount of funding being spent and the craze surrounding them, most retail investors have little in-depth knowledge of this ground-breaking fundraising vehicle.

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Contract Law: How to create a legally binding contract & deal with disputes

AGENDA: What is a contract?, How is a contract made?, What is required for a legally binding contract?, When does a contract become effective?, Illegal and voidable contracts, Remedies

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Intellectual Property Law: An introduction to Copyrights, Patents & Trademarks

AGENDA: Introduction To Copyrights, Patents & Trademarks, Nature of Rights, Rental and Lending Rights, Duration of copyright and moral rights, Exclusive rights, the fair use doctrine, Absolute grounds for refusal, Relative Grounds for Refusal, Exploitation and use of trademarks, Limitations, Infringement and possible remedies, Misrepresentation.

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Cryptocurrencies: an introduction and regulatory framework

AGENDA: Definition of Cryptocurrencies, where we will cover some of the definitions issued by a few regulators and we will provide a the general technicalities of Cryptocurrencies, Cryptography, Blockchain, Distributed Ledger Technology, Legal approach, where we will discuss the regulatory approach towards Cryptocurrency around the world and with special focus in key jurisdictions, Regulatory outlook

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CJEU: Defines Key Definitions for Tax & Beneficial Ownership Purposes

Last month, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) issued a series of important judgments dealing with tax avoidance and beneficial ownership in the context of the EU Parent-Subsidiary Directive (PSD) and the Interest and Royalties Directive (IRD).

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Has the Legal Sector Tech Revolution in Singapore Come at a Price?

Rapid advances in technology and the higher demands and increasingly complex international clients are forcing Singapore-based Lawyers to transform the way they work. An example of this is the huge of growth of Wi-Fi on airplanes, with many cities now providing coverage free of charge including on metros and trains.

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What Can We Learn From the Sharing Economy & the Global Bike-share Boom?

The sharing economy has become an important aspect of our daily lives, from Air BnB to Uber, some of the companies with the highest growth all involve an element of sharing resources; with many other products and amenities being shared and leased.

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ACRA Update: RFAS Compliance With Singapore Companies Act

All Singapore Registered Filing Agents (RFAs) were sent a friendly reminder from ACRA regarding ensuring all entities are acting in compliance with Singapore legislation.

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